Regarding the scale effects on propeller's noncavitation hydrodynamics and hydroacoustics, three similar 7bladed highly-skewed propellers in the wake flow are addressed with diameters of 250, 500 and 1 000 mm, respectively. The discrete line-spectrum noise and its standardized spectrum level scaling law, together with the total sound pressure level are analyzed. The non-cavitation noise predictions are completed by both the frequency domain method and the time domain method. As a fluctuated noise source, the time-dependent fluctuated pressure and normal velocity distribution on propeller blades are obtained by the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes ( URANS ) simulation. Results show that the pressure coefficient distribution of three propellers on the 0.7R section is nearly superposed under the same advance ratio. The periodic thrust fluctuation of three propellers can exactly reflect the tonal components of the axial passing frequency (APF) and the blade passing frequency (BPF), and the fluctuation enhancement from the small to the middle propeller at the BPF is greater than that from the middle to the big one. By the two noise prediction methods, the increment of the total sound pressure level from the small to the big propeller differs by 2.49 dB. Following the standardized scaling law, the spectrum curves of the middle and big propellers are nearly the same while significantly differing from the small one. The increment of both the line-spectrum level and the total sound pressure increases with the increase in diameter. It is suggested that the model scale of the propeller should be as large as possible in engineering to reduce the prediction error of the empirical scalin~ law and weaken the scale effects.