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作品数:14 被引量:48H指数:4


  • 14篇中文期刊文章


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14 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Combining the complex variable reproducing kernel particle method and the finite element method for solving transient heat conduction problems被引量:2
In this paper, the complex variable reproducing kernel particle (CVRKP) method and the finite element (FE) method are combined as the CVRKP-FE method to solve transient heat conduction problems. The CVRKP-FE method not only conveniently imposes the essential boundary conditions, but also exploits the advantages of the individual methods while avoiding their disadvantages, then the computational efficiency is higher. A hybrid approximation function is applied to combine the CVRKP method with the FE method, and the traditional difference method for two-point boundary value problems is selected as the time discretization scheme. The corresponding formulations of the CVRKP-FE method are presented in detail. Several selected numerical examples of the transient heat conduction problems are presented to illustrate the performance of the CVRKP-FE method.
An improved interpolating element-free Galerkin method for elasticity被引量:4
Based on the improved interpolating moving least-squares (ⅡMLS) method and the Galerkin weak form, an improved interpolating element-free Galerkin (ⅡEFG) method is presented for two-dimensional elasticity problems in this paper. Compared with the interpolating moving least-squares (IMLS) method presented by Lancaster, the ⅡMLS method uses the nonsingular weight function. The number of unknown coefficients in the trial function of the ⅡMLS method is less than that of the MLS approximation and the shape function of the ⅡMLS method satisfies the property of Kronecker δ function. Thus in the ⅡEFG method, the essential boundary conditions can be applied directly and easily, then the numerical solutions can be obtained with higher precision than those obtained by the interpolating element-free Galerkin (IEFG) method. For the purposes of demonstration, four numerical examples are solved using the ⅡEFG method.
New complex variable meshless method for advection-diffusion problems被引量:1
In this paper,an improved complex variable meshless method(ICVMM) for two-dimensional advection-diffusion problems is developed based on improved complex variable moving least-square(ICVMLS) approximation.The equivalent functional of two-dimensional advection-diffusion problems is formed,the variation method is used to obtain the equation system,and the penalty method is employed to impose the essential boundary conditions.The difference method for twopoint boundary value problems is used to obtain the discrete equations.Then the corresponding formulas of the ICVMM for advection-diffusion problems are presented.Two numerical examples with different node distributions are used to validate and investigate the accuracy and efficiency of the new method in this paper.It is shown that ICVMM is very effective for advection-diffusion problems,and has a good convergent character,accuracy,and computational efficiency.
A new complex variable element-free Galerkin method for two-dimensional potential problems被引量:4
In this paper, based on the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method and the improved complex variable moving least- square (ICVMLS) approximation, a new meshless method, which is the improved complex variable element-free Galerkin (ICVEFG) method for two-dimensional potential problems, is presented. In the method, the integral weak form of control equations is employed, and the Lagrange multiplier is used to apply the essential boundary conditions. Then the corresponding formulas of the ICVEFG method for two-dimensional potential problems are obtained. Compared with the complex variable moving least-square (CVMLS) approximation proposed by Cheng, the functional in the ICVMLS approximation has an explicit physical meaning. Furthermore, the ICVEFG method has greater computational precision and efficiency. Three numerical examples are given to show the validity of the proposed method.
An improved interpolating element-free Galerkin method with a nonsingular weight function for two-dimensional potential problems被引量:15
In this paper, an improved interpolating moving least-square (IIMLS) method is presented. The shape function of the IIMLS method satisfies the property of the Kronecker 5 function. The weight function used in the IIMLS method is nonsingular. Then the IIMLS method can overcome the difficulties caused by the singularity of the weight function in the IMLS method. The number of unknown coefficients in the trial function of the IIMLS method is less than that of the moving least-square (MLS) approximation. Then by combining the IIMLS method with the Galerkin weak form of the potential problem, the improved interpolating element-free Galerkin (IIEFG) method for two-dimensional potential problems is presented. Compared with the conventional element-free Galerkin (EFG) method, the IIEFG method can directly use the essential boundary conditions. Then the IIEFG method has higher accuracy. For demonstration, three numerical examples are solved using the IIEFG method.
Complex variable element-free Galerkin method for viscoelasticity problems被引量:2
Based on the complex variable moving least-square (CVMLS) approximation, the complex variable element-free Galerkin (CVEFG) method for two-dimensional viscoelasticity problems under the creep condition is presented in this paper. The Galerkin weak form is employed to obtain the equation system, and the penalty method is used to apply the essential boundary conditions, then the corresponding formulae of the CVEFG method for two-dimensional viscoelasticity problems under the creep condition are obtained. Compared with the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method, with the same node distribution, the CVEFG method has higher precision, and to obtain the similar precision, the CVEFG method has greater computational efficiency. Some numerical examples are given to demonstrate the validity and the efficiency of the method.
Analysis of variable coefficient advection-diffusion problems via complex variable reproducing kernel particle method
The complex variable reproducing kernel particle method (CVRKPM) of solving two-dimensional variable coefficient advection-diffusion problems is presented in this paper. The advantage of the CVRKPM is that the shape function of a two-dimensional problem is formed with a one-dimensional basis function. The Galerkin weak form is employed to obtain the discretized system equation, and the penalty method is used to apply the essential boundary conditions. Then the corresponding formulae of the CVRKPM for two-dimensional variable coefficient advection-diffusion problems are obtained. Two numerical examples are given to show that the method in this paper has greater accuracy and computational efficiency than the conventional meshless method such as reproducing the kernel particle method (RKPM) and the element- free Galerkin (EFG) method.
An interpolating reproducing kernel particle method for two-dimensional scatter points被引量:2
An interpolating reproducing kernel particle method for two-dimensional (2D) scatter points is introduced. It elim- inates the dependency of gridding in numerical calculations. The interpolating shape function in the interpolating repro- ducing kernel particle method satisfies the property of the Kronecker delta function. This method offers a mathematics basis for recognition technology and simulation analysis, which can be expressed as simultaneous differential equations in science or project problems. Mathematical examples are given to show the validity of the interpolating reproducing kernel particle method.