在新媒体时代背景下,高校大学生面临着前所未有的心理品质培养挑战与机遇。本研究针对大学生群体,在对新媒体对学生心态影响的文献综合分析基础上,结合实证调研数据,揭示出新媒体使用频率、信息筛选能力和网络技术运用能力等个人因素,以及家庭、校园、社会环境中相关因素对大学生积极心理品质的影响机理。研究发现信息过载、网络成瘾、自我认知偏差与舆论压力等问题,正成为制约大学生积极心理品质培养的重要障碍。因此,提出构建正向价值观传播机制,倡导健康网络文化,提供全面心理健康支持服务,以及加强新媒体素养教育等策略。通过实地校园调查与深度访谈,验证了这些策略在提高大学生筛选信息的能力、提升心理健康水平、增强自我认知和减小网络舆论压力方面的有效性。本研究批判性地分析了新媒体环境下大学生心理品质的培养要求,为高校制定相关教育政策、开展教育实践提供了科学依据和具体建议,对未来进一步研究与实践也具有一定的启示作用。In the context of the new media era, college students are facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities in cultivating their psychological qualities. This study focuses on the college student population. Based on a comprehensive analysis of literature on the impact of new media on students’ mentality, combined with empirical research data, it reveals personal factors such as frequency of new media use, information screening ability, and network technology application ability, as well as the impact mechanism of relevant factors in family, campus, and social environment on the positive psychological qualities of college students. Research has found that issues such as information overload, internet addiction, self-awareness bias, and public opinion pressure are becoming important obstacles to the cultivation of positive psychological qualities among college students. Th