Based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we investigate the spin-related properties of spinless-hole injected organic molecule pentacene (Pc). DFT calculations reveal that there is spontaneous spin polarization in Pc when spinless-hole is injected. The chargeinduced magnetic moment of Pc increases linearly with the increasing of the extra hole charge amount and its maximum can be up to 1 μB per injected spinless-hole per Pc molecule. The magnetic moment is expected due to the injected unpaired charge. The injected hole will preferably ll the spin-splitted carbon pz orbitals, which makes the Pc molecule spin polarize.
Electrical properties and magnetoresistance have been studied in two series of xAg-La0.67(Ca0.65Ba0.35)0.33MnO3 and xPd-La0.67(Ca0.65Ba0.35)0.33MnO3 (abbreviated by xAg-LCBMO and xPd-LCBMO) composites. Both Pd and Ag addition induce a decrease in resistivity and an increase in temperature at which the resistivity reaches its maximum. This is mainly due to the improvement of grain boundaries caused by the segregation of good conductive metal grains on the grain boundaries/surfaces. In addition, both Pd and Ag addition induce a large enhancement of room temperature magnetoresistance (RTMR). Note that 27% molar ratio of Ag addition induces a large RTMR of about 70%, about ten times larger than pure LCBMO, whereas 27% molar ratio Pd addition brings a much larger RTMR of about 170%. The large enhancements of MR can be attributed to the decrease in resistivity of the samples caused by the good conductive metal. On the other hand, the polarization of Pd atoms near the Mn ions on the grain surfaces/boundaries plays a very im-portant role in the increase in MR, which induces a large number of spin clusters in Pd-added samples.
Based on ab initio theory, the interracial spin polarization of a benzene-dithiolate molecule vertically adsorbed on a nickel surface is investigated by adopting different microscopic con- tact configurations. The results demonstrate a strong dependence of the interfacial spin polarization on the contact configuration, where the sign of spin polarization may vary from positive to negative with the change of contact configuration. By analyzing the projected density of states, an interracial orbital hybridization between the 3d orbital of the nickel atom and the sp3 hybridized orbital of the sulfur atom is observed. We also simulated the interracial adsorption in mechanically controllable break junction experiments. The magne- toresistance obtained from Julliere model is about 27% based on the calculated interracial spin polarization, which is consistent with experimental measurement.