卵巢癌是妇科恶性肿瘤中发病率最高的一种,死亡率居妇女恶性肿瘤之首,严重危害妇女健康。在原发性卵巢肿瘤中,上皮性卵巢癌(EOC)发病率高达85%~95%。卵巢的位置较深,早期表现不明显,不易被察觉,其早期检出率只有15%左右,大多是在进入晚期时才被诊断。根据目前的数据,卵巢上皮癌患者的5年存活率仅有40%。由于缺乏有效的早期诊断手段,多数卵巢癌被确诊时已是中、晚期,现有的常规治疗措施疗效不佳,死亡率极高。目前,早期卵巢癌患者首选手术治疗,术后辅以化学治疗和放射治疗。目前,临床上对上皮性卵巢癌的治疗以手术 + 放化疗为主。化学疗法是目前临床上最主要的治疗方法,但是随着治疗的不断深化与发展,化疗药物的副作用以及人体产生的耐药性也越来越突出。本文就现代中西医治疗卵巢癌的应用及研究进展进行论述,为此病的防治提供参考。Ovarian cancer is one of the most common gynecological malignancies with the highest incidence rate. Its mortality rate ranks first among women’s malignancies, which seriously endangers women’s health. Among primary ovarian tumors, the incidence rate of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is as high as 85%~95%. The position of the ovary is relatively deep, and its early manifestations are not obvious and difficult to detect. Its early detection rate is only about 15%, and it is mostly diagnosed in the late stage. According to current data, the 5-year survival rate for ovarian epithelial cancer patients is only 40%. Due to the lack of effective early diagnostic methods, most ovarian cancers are diagnosed in the middle or late stages, and existing conventional treatment measures have poor efficacy and extremely high mortality rates. At present, surgery is the preferred treatment for early ovarian cancer patients, supplemented by chemotherapy and radiation therapy after surgery. At present, the main treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer