This paper is based on three observations and independent thinking of the classroom teaching of the author’s colleagues.It attempts to examine how macro and micro contexts affect teaching and learning in the classroom.The author focuses the discussion on three aspects:(i)the present EFL contextual setting in China;(ii)the influence of the evaluation system on both teachers and students;(iii)his own beliefs as a teacher.Finally,he comes to the implications that teachers should often reflect on their teaching by means of observing other teachers’teachings;In order to bring more effective teaching and learning to the class,Teachers should change their class from a teacher-centered one to a students-centered one.
This paper evaluates the Achievement Test for Junior High School Graduation in reliability,validity and practicality,which is aimed to help junior English teachers to understand how to identify a useful test and develop their test writing skills as well as improve their teaching.The result suggests that the Achievement Test is a reasonably reliable and valid test though some of the listening items need to be improved.It is the ideal frame of evaluating language learning through language testing.
如今初中英语课堂上的听力训练普遍存在效率不高,学生积极性受挫的现状,该文对这一问题进行了描述,综述了听力训练中的解码和意义建构过程(decoding and meaning-building)、学习策略(包括元认知策略、认知策略和情感策略)和若干听力教学方法(如理解教学法、策略教学法与任务型教学法),旨在为解决问题提供一些行之有效的对策,以帮助学生提高听力理解能力并成为高效的倾听者。