The genetic diversity of 110 strains of Ustilaginoidea virens from Liaoning province and Beijing where the types of rice variety constitution were different,was assessed by AFLP.The results showed that the coefficient of strains from Liaoning and Beijing was 0.92 and 0.55 respectively,and the strains from Beijing were divided into two distinct groups.There was no specific DNA pattern for the isolates from the same rice varieties,and there was no correlation between the clusters based on genetic similarity coefficient and variety origin of isolates.
采用AFLP(Am plified fragm ent length po lym orphism)技术分析了来自北京昌平同一块稻田中不同水稻品种和育种中间材料上稻曲病菌(U stilag ino idea virens)的遗传多样性。从256对E coRⅠ和M seⅠ引物中选择30对扩增40个菌株。结果表明,同一块稻田中稻曲病菌菌株间的相似性系数达0.72以上,来自同一小区的多数菌株能聚成亚类;发现从同一水稻品种分离的菌株没有特异性的AFLP谱带。初步推断稻曲病菌与水稻品种不存在明显的专化性互作。