为掌握鸡场球虫抗药程度,以便制定合理用药方案,采集福建省莆田市某鸡场盲肠球虫,进行柔嫩艾美耳球虫单卵囊分离和纯化;采用鸡体试验法,设立5个用药组、1个感染不用药对照组和1个不感染不用药对照组,以病变记分减少率(Reduction of lesion sores,RLS)、抗球虫指数(Anticoccidial index,ACI)、相对盲肠卵囊产量(Relative at oocyst production,ROP)和最适抗球虫活性百分率(Percent of optimum anticoccidial activity,POAA)4项为指标,检测该球虫对癸氧喹酯、尼卡巴嗪、地克珠利、二硝托胺和氯苯胍等5种常用抗球虫药的抗药性。结果表明:该虫株对癸氧喹酯敏感,对地克珠利、二硝托胺和氯苯胍具有完全抗药性,对尼卡巴嗪为中度抗药性,说明目前莆田市球虫抗药性非常严重,癸氧喹酯可用于抗球虫病,其他药物应慎用或暂停使用。
MUC13 is a major gene that controls the susceptibility or resistance to diarrhea caused by ETEC F4 ac in piglets.In this study,the MUC13 resistant allele and performance traits of 3 successive generations of a nucleus Duroc breeding population,a total of 250 pigs,were determined using molecular and conventional breeding techniques to screen out the Duroc population homozygous for MUC13 resistant allele.Under the same feeding and management conditions,the occurrence of diarrhea in same-litter pre-weaned piglets from the 20 litters of breeding sows and 20 litters of propagating sows were 8.7% and 18.4%,respectively(P〈 0.01).However,there was no significant difference in survival rate of same-litter weaned piglets from breeding sows and propagating sows(P 〈0.05).The determination results showed there was no significant difference in days of age required by 1stgeneration and 3rd generation to grow to 100 kg of body weight.However,compared to that of the 1st generation,the live backfat thickness of the 3rdgeneration was reduced by 1.46 mm(P 〉0.05).However,no significant differences in growth rate and live backfat thickness were found among the MUC13 genotypes from all the 3generations(P 0.05).In conclusion,the homozygosis for the MUC13 resistant allele not only can control the occurrence of diarrhea in piglet but also can reduce significantly live backfat thickness.However,the homozygosis for the MUC13 resistant allele has no significant effects on growth and development of piglets.