The oil is known as “the blood of industry”, and the transfer of the “blood” is closely connected with the oil pipelines network. The increase of oil consumption in China has driven the fast development of oil line construction. Now three crude oil line nets with the whole length of 15915 kilometers have been built, which can transfer 89.13% of gross production. Meanwhile, the 6525- kilometer-long product pipeline has been built up. With the change of exterior environment of pipeline construction, the freight of pipeline transfer need corresponding adjustment. As for the freight of oil line, the common way for cost determination in the world is the practical or historical cost, and the benef it determination support enterprises’ reasonable investment benef it. The oil line freight rate in China calls for new system. On one hand, the principles for fi xing prices must not only re? ect the value rule of market economy and own specialty of oil line freight rate, but also let investors get back normal invest cost and business cost as well as gain reasonable invest benef it. On the other, the principles should consider the sustainability of downstream users in order to promote the sustaining development of oil line transfer industry.