Based on the molecular design principle camphene derivatives - modified epoxy macromer withhigh UV absorption coefficients and low ionization Potentials were designed, synthesized and character-ized. UV copolymerization of macromer were carried out by the use of ethoxy benzoin and sulfoniumcomples|BDS (2PF6 )2-| under the designed conditions. Characterization of polymrization reactionand polmperized products have been done by means of IR, DSC, UV, microscope and poarizing microscopy, transmitancy and surface property measurment, as well as systematically determination ofpolmperization rate and shrinkage. The results have shown that the above - described macromers withoptimal proportion combination can efficiently absorb the light enefgy within 250 run to 365 nm andprovide not only high rate and low shrinknge of polymerization, but also good optical, wetting, adhesionand other physico - chemical properties without any oxygen inhibition innuence which can metthe spe-cial requirments of optical compo8ites for manufacturing of Multiplical Spherical Equation belensComplex.