The Liulinxi site lies in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, at Miaone village of Maoping town, Zigui county, Hubei province. It was rather extensively excavated in 1998, which resulted in the discovery of plentiful cultural remains. The main cultural deposits can be divided into two phases. In the first phase, the pottery contains largely sandy or charcoaly red ware and a certain number of clay red and fine clay black vessels. Their types include the vessel stand, fu cauldron, jar, bowl and pot. Stone implements occur quite a lot. These remains belong to the Neolithic Age and show a close linkage with the Chengbeixi culture, an earlier complex in this region, and quite distinctly different from the Daxi culture of a somewhat later date. The second phase of remains much resembles the Erlitou culture in the Central Plains, corresponds to it in date, and belongs to the Xia cultural category in the Three Gorges area.