[ Objective] To provide effective primers for the rapid and accurate ISSR analysis of the germplasm materials of Mallotus oblongiolus (Miq.) Muello-Arg.. [Method] The modified CTAB method was used in the extraction of the genomic DNA. 99 ISSR primers were used in the ISSR-PCR amplification for 20 germplasm materials from 10 populations in Hainan Island, so that some primers, which were suitable to all gerplasm materials of M. oblongiolu, could be selected. [ Result] 15 effective primers with characteristics of rich polymorphism, clear bands, and good repeatability were selected from 99 test primers. The 15 primers selected were used in the ISSR-PCR amplification for 66 germplasm materials of M. oblongiolus. From all of which the abundant and distinct DNA fingerprintings could be obtained. 286 DNA bands were obtained, and of which 231 bands were polymorphic, which amounted to 80.77% of the total bands amplified. And 19.1 bands could be obtained with each primer, averagely. [ Conclusion] The 15 primers selected could be effectively applied to ISSR analysis of the germplasm resources of M. oblongiolus.