目的:探究隔代教养方式与青少年生命意义感的关系及家庭亲密度与心理弹性在其中的作用。方法:采用简单随机抽样法,通过简式父母教养方式问卷、生命意义感量表、家庭亲密度与适应性量表、青少年心理弹性量表收集相关数据,并利用SPSS进行数据的回归分析。结果:积极隔代教养方式显著正向预测青少年生命意义感,消极隔代教养方式与青少年生命意义感无显著相关(β = 0.80, p Objective: To explore the relationship between intergenerational parenting and adolescents’ sense of meaning in life, as well as the role of family cohesion and psychological resilience in this relationship. Methods: Using a simple random sampling method, data was collected through the use of the Short Form of the Egma Minnen av Barndoms Uppfostran, the Meaning in Life Questionnaire, the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale, and the Adolescent Resilience Scale, and SPSS for statistical analysis. Results: The positive intergenerational parenting style significantly predicts the meaning in adolescent life, while the negative intergenerational parenting style is not significantly correlated with meaning in adolescent life (β = 0.80, p < 0.001). The positive intergenerational parenting approach can not only directly affect the level of meaning in adolescent life, but also influence meaning in life through the mediating effects of family cohesion, resilience, and the chain mediating effects of family cohesion and resilience. Conclusion: There is no significant correlation between negative intergenerational parenting and meaning in adolescent life;family cohesion and resilience play a chain mediating role between positive intergenerational parenting style and meaning in adolescent life.
返回抑制(Inhibition of return,IOR)是指当靶子出现在先前注意过的位置时,对它的反应变慢的现象。近年来,对老年人返回抑制的研究日益受到重视,并取得了许多进展。老年人的返回抑制无论是出现的时间还是返回抑制的量均与年轻人存在不同程度的差异,且这种差异具有任务特殊性,显示出老年人存在某种程度的抑制缺陷。