Microbial drugs are antibiotics and other pharmacological substances from the secondary metabolites of microorganisms Screening process includes collection of soil and ocean samples, isolation of microorganisms, fermentation, strain screening, isolation of bioactive components and structure elucidation Producing microorganisms includes streptomyces, rare actinomycetes, bacteria, fungi, and ocean microorganisms New strategy for screening new microbial drugs is the screening of novel anti resistant bacterial agents, antifungal agents, antiviral agents, antitumor substances, immunomodulators and pharmacological active
A ctinobacteria class nov.一般包括具有超过50%G+C的DNA碱基组成的微生物,其中一些菌种在生物技术和医药方面具有重要的意义。为了分离能够产生有用化合物的微生物菌种,我们将分离对象从已进行过深入研究的S trep tomy ces及其以外的放线菌扩大到所有的A ctinobacteria,其中包括那些具有普通细菌形态的高G+C含量革兰阳性细菌。为了对A ctinobacteria这一较新的研究领域有详细的了解,我们又对两株有弱生物活性的IM B 02B-165和IM B 02B-172进行了多相分类学研究。化学分类和系统分类的结果表明IM B 02B-165、IM B 02B-172菌株均属于A rthrobacter属中A rthrobacter g lobif orm is/A rthrobacter citreus组。