The effects of amylase activity in calli of sweet potato on different concentration of abscisic acid(ABA),gibberellin(GA3) and sugar were investigated.As a result,ABA always showed the advance to amylase in a range of concentration of sucrose.Otherwise,the regulation of GA3 to activity of amylases was changed by different concentration of sucrose.Lower or higher concentration of sucrose both inhibited the activity of amylases.And the regulation of sucrose to amylases was not effected with supplementing ABA or GA3.
It was found that their amylase’ activity altered at the same trend with time extended when calli from different organ resources(root、stem、petiole) were treated with a certain concentration of PEG6000,the activity of amylase was enhanced then reduced at the time of 12h to 24h.But the activity of amylase didn’t appear raising trend when calli of leaves were treated with the same concentration PEG6000. This consequence reveals that there was great distinction about PEG regulation for expression of amylase in calli of sweet potato from different organ.