Reactions of 4-chlorophenol, and other phenols, with eaq , ?H, ?N3 and ?OH in aqueous solutions were studied - by nano-second pulse radiolysis. The transient absorption spectra were attributed to determine the micro-reaction rate constants. It was found that the phenols were more easily oxidized by ?OH than reduced by eaq ; and pH value - and molecular structure of the phenols affected the rate constants of the reactions. In addition, γ-ray radiolysis of 4-chlorophenol aqueous solution was performed and the degradation products were analyzed with HPLC, GC-MS and other methods. It is concluded that the radiolysis technology alone is not efficient in terms of mineralization of the phenol and the presence of O2 and alkaline conditions can facilitate the mineralization process.
变性高效液相色谱(D enaturing H ighP-erform ance Liquid Chrom atography,D H PLC)是一种可以对核酸片段进行灵敏、快速的分析,并检测出单碱基错配及插入缺失的新技术,在生命科学许多领域有广泛的应用.对D H PLC在致病微生物基因抗药性突变检测、基因型分析等领域的应用研究进展进行了综述.