Phoenix, a very beautiful and popular image in China,like dragon, is an imagined and legendary animal existing only in people's mind. It is such an important component of Chinese culture that we can see a sort of phenomenon called phoenix phenomenon comes into being in Chinese culture, which deserves efforts to elaborate and whose origin is worth probing. As the totem worshipped by the ancient Chu people, phoenix also displays the basic features of Chinese culture: integratedness and inclusiveness.
Charlotte Bronte is a famous English woman novelist in the 19th century.Her masterpiece Jane Eyre creates a bright figure in the world's literature,attracting readers of generations all through the globe with her character of both unconvention and convention,which is a unity of contradictions.In this paper,the author presents the analysis in two parts:Jane Eyre's convention presented in her experience of marriage and love,and Jane Eyre's unconvention presented in her experience of marriage and love,drawing a conclusion finally that the two aspects of Jane Eyre's nature-unconvention and convention are indispensable for portraying the heroine.
Charlotte Bronte's masterpiece Jane Eyre creates a bright figure in the world's literature, attracting readers of generations all through the globe with her character of both unconvention and convention, which is a unity of contradictions. In this paper, the author presents the analysis in two parts: Jane Eyre's childhood in Gateshead, and Jane Eyre's schooldays in Lowood, drawing a conclusion finally that the two aspects of Jane Eyre's nature-unconvention and convention are indispensable for portraying the heroine.