The aim of this paper is to use non-isothermal differental scanning calorimentry tech-nigue (DSC) to study the crystallization kinetics of Ti-Co-Ni-P and Co-Ni-P Noncrystalline coat-ings by electro-brush plating.According to the kinetical study,the crystallization mechamism of two noncrystalline coatings may be expressed by Avrami-Erofeev equation (n=1). The kinetics equation isThe crystallization activation energy E of Ti-Co-Ni-P and Co-Ni-P noncrystaline coatings have been determined. The result shows they are stable noncrystalline alloy. According to the electro-chemical polarization curves, the corrosion resistance of Ti-Co-Ni-P is very good.
Fe-La, Fe-Ce, Fe-La-P, Fe-Ce-P and Fe-P alloys were obtained f rom aqueous solutions by using optimized electroplaing solutions and process con ditions. The experimental results show that these alloys (Fe-La-P, Fe-Ce- P and Fe-P) have amorphous structure. The crystallization activation energy a nd kinetics equation of three kinds amorphous coatings have been determined by D SC method. The results indicated that the crystallization activation energy of F e-P, Fe-La-P, Fe-Ce-P amorphous coatings are 175.2, 370.1, 434.6kJ·m ol-1 respectively. The crystallization mechamism of three kinds amorphous alloy s may be expressed by Avrami-Erofeev equation (n=1), the kinetics equation is .