A γ-TiAl alloy with nominal composition of Ti-47%Al(molar fraction) was directionally solidified in an alumina mould with an Y2O3 protective coating.The effects of processing parameters(melting temperature and interaction time) on the metal-coating interface,microstructure and chemical composition of the alloy were evaluated.The result shows that the Y2O3 protective coating exhibits an effective barrier capability to avoid direct contact between the mould base material and the TiAl melt,although the Y2O3 coating is found to suffer some erosion and be slightly dissolved by the molten TiAl due to the coating-metal interactions.The directionally solidified alloys were contaminated with Y and O,and Y2O3 inclusions were dispersed in the metal matrix.The reason for this metal contamination is the Y2O3 coating dissolution by the TiAl melt.One mode of the interaction between Y2O3 and the TiAl melt is dissolution of yttrium and atomic oxygen in the melt by reaction Y2O3(s)=2Y(in TiAl melt)+3O(in TiAl melt).Both the extent of alloy contamination and the volume fractions of Y2O3 inclusions depend on the melting temperature and the interaction time.
Nb-16Si-24Ti-10Cr-2A1-2Hf alloy was directionally solidified with withdrawal rates of 1.2, 6, 18, 36 and 50 mrn/min and then heat treated at 1400, 1450 and 1500℃with withdrawal rate of 50 mm/min for 10 h. The effects of withdrawal rate and heat treatment temperature on the microstructure were studied. The microstructure of directionally solidified alloy was composed of the primary NbsSi3, Nbss/NbsSi3 eutectic cells and Cr2Nb, which distribute paralleled to the growth direction. The microstructure becomes more refined with the increasing withdrawal rate, accompany with the evolution of eutectic cells morphology. After heat treatment, Nbss phase connects and forms a continuous matrix, and the Cr2Nb phase becomes smaller and distributes more dispersedly. After heat treatment at 1450 ℃ for 10 h, the alloy achieves balance between the optimization of microstructure and alleviation of solute segregation.