Abstact:Objective Develop an animal model of "Qi Zhi Bing Suo".Methods We applied formalin test and subcutaneously injected 5% formalin 50 μl into the center of the plantar surface of one hindpaw of rats to make local focus and observed the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) on the mean discharges frequency(MDF) of sural nerve of rats after formalin test. Results Injection of formalin into one hindpaw of rats markedly increased the MDF of sural nerve of injected side; EA significantly decreased the MDF of sural nerve of injected side of rats after formalin test.Conclusion EA along Gallbladder Meridian (GB34、GB36) can promote information of acupuncture transmit to local focus of plantar of injected hindpaw of rats after formalin test, improve related indices which reflect pathological sensory input. Thus we developed an animal model of "Qi Zhi Bing Suo".