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作品数:7 被引量:39H指数:4


  • 6篇期刊文章
  • 1篇学位论文


  • 6篇生物学
  • 2篇农业科学


  • 3篇SSH
  • 3篇RICE
  • 2篇水稻
  • 2篇根系
  • 2篇ORYZA_...
  • 2篇IDENTI...
  • 1篇氮磷
  • 1篇氮素
  • 1篇稻根
  • 1篇低磷
  • 1篇低磷胁迫
  • 1篇英文
  • 1篇诱导基因
  • 1篇生长发育
  • 1篇水稻根
  • 1篇水稻根系
  • 1篇硝态氮
  • 1篇胁迫
  • 1篇磷胁迫
  • 1篇磷营养


  • 7篇浙江大学


  • 7篇王小兵
  • 6篇吴平
  • 3篇李海波
  • 3篇陈青爽
  • 3篇夏铭
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  • 1篇王首锋


  • 4篇Acta B...
  • 2篇植物生理与分...


  • 2篇2003
  • 5篇2002
7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Effects of Nitrate on the Growth of Lateral Root and Nitrogen Absorption in Rice被引量:14
Lateral root is primary organ for plant to explore and utilize soil nutrient efficiently. The development of lateral roots (LR) is controlled by both genetic factors and nutrient status in environment. To investigate the effects of nitrate (NO3-) on rice lateral root growth and nitrogen (N) uptake efficiency under upland condition, three treatments, including root-split culture and whole plant culture in N sufficient and deficient conditions, were used in a vermiculite culture experiment. Root-split treatment showed that the growth of lateral roots was stimulated by localized nitrate supply. However, in whole plant culture, elongation of lateral roots was induced by NO3- deficiency. The effects of NO3- on rice lateral root growth were genotype-dependent. Similar N concentration, soluble sugar concentration and N content in shoot were observed in both root-split treatment and whole plant culture under NO3- sufficient condition, suggesting that the nitrogen requirement for rice normal growth could be satisfied with only half of roots supplied with NO3-. In the root-split treatment, N uptake was positively correlated with the average of lateral root length (ALRL) in NO3--supplied side, suggesting that the ALRL is important for rice root N uptake in the environment where the nitrogen nutrient is limiting factor. No significant correlation was observed between N uptake and ALRL in whole plant culture under N sufficient condition, which implies that the length of lateral roots may not be the main factor to determine tire rice root N uptake in nutrient-rich zone. Morphological and metabolic evidence in this study provided some prospects for genetic improvement of root system characters to improve the efficiency of nutrient absorption in rice.
用蛭石与石英砂作为混合固体培养介质研究了低磷 (PO4 3 -)胁迫和部分根系供氮 (NO-3 )对水稻 (O ryzasativaL .)苗期根系生长的影响。结果表明 :低磷胁迫和供氮均能诱导水稻不定根和不定根上侧根的伸长。细胞分裂的进程受依赖细胞周期蛋白的蛋白激酶(CDKs)的调控 ,在缺磷和供氮条件下 ,细胞周期蛋白激酶cdc2Os 1在根系表达都增强 ,而cdc2Os 2的表达无明显变化。cdc2Os 1的这种表达模式与这两种处理下根系的加速伸长具一致性 ,表明在磷缺乏和供氮处理下 ,cdc2Os 1基因在根系表达的增强 ,可能促进了根细胞的分裂活性 。
Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of Nitrogen- Starvation-induced Genes in Rice被引量:4
To understand the regulation system of nitrogen X-starvation in higher plants, a cDNA library from N-starved rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings was constructed using rapid subtraction hybridization (RaSH) procedure. Through reverse Northern analysis and Northern blotting, 18 unique known genes and two unique unknown genes were identified, which were up-regulated by N-starvation in rice. The known genes are involved in several metabolisms including carbon metabolism, secondary metabolite synthesis, ubiquitylation and protein degradation, phytohormone metabolism, signal transduction, growth regulator and transcription factors. Different induced expression patterns based on spatial and temporal express ions were found for these genes. The results indicate the cross-talks between N-starvation response and various metabolisms in plants.
Identification of Phosphorus Starvation Inducible Genes in Rice by Suppression Subtractive Hybridization被引量:2
Phosphorus is one of the three essential macroelements for plant growth. Plants respond to phosphorus starvation through adaptive mechanisms involved in morphological, biochemical and molecular changes. To investigate the molecular background of the adaptive mechanisms, the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) method was used to construct a rice phosphorus-starvation ( Pi-starvation) induced cDNA library. Through screening of the cDNA library and sequencing of the enriched cDNAs, 18 known genes and 47 novel genes were identified. The known genes are involved in different metabolic processes, including phosphate uptake and transport, signal transduction, protein synthesis and degradation, carbon metabolism and stress response. Northern analysis was performed to detect the expression patterns of some known genes and novel genes under different phosphorus levels. Different expression patterns of the selected genes were identified, which suggests that genes involved in different pathways may have different responses to Pi-starvation.
运用快速扣除杂交 (RaSH)方法构建了水稻氮饥饿诱导的cDNA文库。从该文库获得了一个cDNA克隆OsNSI1 (Oryzasativanitrogenstarva tion inducible 1 )。该全长cDNA编码 5 77个氨基酸 ,蛋白分子量为 6 1 .2kD。推测得出的氨基酸序列与其他物种的糖转运体有很高的同源性。水合性分析表明OsNSI1包含有 1 2个跨膜区域和一个中心亲水环。这些数据提示OsNSI1是一个糖转运体蛋白。Southern印迹分析表明OsNSI1是一个单拷贝基因。Northern印迹分析表明OsNSI1主要在叶及根中表达 ,氮。
Identification of the Rice Vacuolar ATPase B Subunit Gene and Its Expression Pattern Analysis Under Phosphorus Deficiency被引量:4
A vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase.) B subunit gene has been cloned and characterized front a phosphorus starvation induced rice root subtractive cDNA library by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) method and RT-PCR amplification. This gene encodes a polypeptide of 487 amino acid residues, containing a conservative ATP binding site and with a molecular weight of 54.06 kD and an isoelectric point of 4.99, southern analysis of the. genomic DNA indicates that V-ATPase B subunit is encoded by a single gene in rice genome. The amino acid homologies of V-ATPase B subunits among different organisms range from 76% to 97% and reveals that the evolution of V-ATPase B subunit is accompanied with the biological evolution. Expression pattern analysis indicated that the maximal expression of V-ATPase B subunit gene occurred at an early stage (6 - 12 h) after phosphorus starvation in roots, and lately stage (24 - 48 It) in leaves. Under phosphorus deficiency, the up-regulated expression of V-ATPase gene was presumed to strengthen the proton transport and provide the required energy to maintain an electrochemical gradient across the tonoplast to facilitate Phosphorus transport.