本文通过文献计量法,统计了Web of Science、中国知网、维普等数据库中所有关于中国新发现物种的文章。整理文章发表时间信息,以及文章中新发现物种的分类信息和发现地点信息,试图简要阐明这些新物种在中国地区的时空分布现状。结果表明:1958—2014年,共计整理得到新发现物种3707种,隶属于细菌界、蓝藻界、真菌界、植物界和动物界;其中动物界节肢动物门昆虫纲物种数量最多,占总数量的48%;时间分布上呈现整体增加趋势,同时伴随6个不同的高峰,尤其是2012年,新发现物种数量达到了369种的最高值;空间分布上,除细菌界和蓝藻界外,真菌界、植物界、动物界新发现物种数量最多的地区均是西南地区;植物界与动物界新发现物种的空间分布格局极为相似。
Faeces were counted along horizontal, 5.0m wide strips at altitude intervals of 100m to examine the altitudinal ranging pattern of a band of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) at Nanren (99°04′E, 28°34′N, Baima Snow Mountain Nature Reverse, Yunnan, China) at four areas in each season between 2000-2001. Faeces were also counted along vertical, 2.5 m wide strips in one subvalley and on one subridge in each area. Monkeys used an altitudinal range of 3500-4300m, but preferred occupying the upper forest belt between 3900 and 4200m asl year-round, being at the highest altitude in summer, the lowest altitude in spring, and middle altitudes between autumn and winter (lower in winter than autumn). Moreover, there were secondary peaks of lower altitude use (3700m) in spring and winter. In addition, more faeces were distributed in subvalleys than on subridges in winter, this suggests that monkeys tend to spend more time in subvalleys where there is less wind and fluctuating temperatures. The significant correlation between faecal density and lichen load might indicate that altitudinal distribution of food resources may act as an important factor affecting the monkeys' range. The monkeys might migrate to lower altitudes to eat young sprouts and leaves in spring, and to shelter from snowstorms in winter, possibly resulting in the secondary peaks at lower altitudes.