海面温度(SST)、悬浮体浓度(SSC)和叶绿素a (Chla)等参数是海洋生态环境的关键指标,可为保护海洋生态环境、维护生物多样性、推动可持续发展等提供科学依据。文章利用近20年遥感资料,反演了渤海湾海面温度(SST)、悬浮体浓度(SSC)和叶绿素a (Chla)月平均变化规律,得到以下研究成果:1) 渤海湾SST多年月平均空间变化规律十分明显,表现出冬半年和夏半年特征。冬半年,10~12月至翌年1~3月,近岸SST低,远岸SST高;4至9月为夏半年,近岸SST高,远岸SST低。2) 渤海湾的细颗粒物质主要来自黄河三角洲近海的再悬浮。每年10月份黄河三角洲地区近海出现SSC高浊度带,范围和强度逐渐加强,至翌年2、3月份达到最大,4月份突然收缩,5~9月份高浊度带消失,整个渤海湾SSC也随之降低。从最大浊度带分布状况可以看出,渤海湾表层悬浮体主要来自现代黄河三角洲的冬季再悬浮,尤其是到2、3月份SSC高值区覆盖大部分渤海湾区域。3) 渤海湾叶绿素分布特点始终呈现近岸高远岸低的特点。八月达到一年中的最大值,五月次之,12月达到一年中的最小值,11月次之。Sea surface temperature (SST), suspended solids concentration (SSC), and chlorophyll a (Chla) are key indicators of the marine ecological environment, which can provide scientific basis for protecting the marine ecological environment, maintaining biodiversity, and promoting sustainable development. This article uses remote sensing data from the past 20 years to invert the monthly average variation patterns of sea surface temperature (SST), suspended sediment concentration (SSC), and chlorophyll a (Chla) in the Bohai Bay. The following research results are obtained: 1) The spatial variation patterns of monthly average SST in the Bohai Bay over the years are very obvious, showing characteristics of winter and summer half months. In the winter half year, from October to December to January March of the following year, the