词汇学习是语言学习的基础。Hunt and Beglar(1998)将能促进词汇学习的方法分为三种:附带学习、直接学习和独立策略学习。三种方法中,词汇附带学习被认为是二语词汇习得的一个基本的部分。许多研究证明了注释对词汇附带学习和阅读理解的有效性。本文总结并分析了近年来有关注释对词汇附带习得和阅读理解的研究成果,并指出了其中的不足,提出了未来研究的方向。
In recent years, the research of incidental vocabulary learning takes the cognitive processing approach to explore lexical development and has become a hot issue in the field of second language vocabulary acquisition. In terms of its origin, the concept was greatly influenced by and develops from linguistics and cognitive psychology of the 1970s and 1980s. The present paper reviews and analyzes the recent results of the research on incidental vocabulary acquisition. Some implications for L2 vocabulary teaching are also discussed.