目的探讨CT估算甲状腺体积各种方法的准确性,为甲亢131I治疗剂量计算及手术切除治疗等提供依据。方法制作实测体积为8.5、12、17、20、24、33、42、66cm3,中间宽厚,两头尖薄近似体内甲状腺形状的仿真甲状腺模型,共8个;采用西门子Symbia true point SPECT-CT仪行CT扫描及图像重建处理,然后用SPECT/CT仪自带的容积计算软件分别以密度阈值法及层厚3mm和5mm手动勾边法估算甲状腺模型体积,并用椭球体公式计算模型体积,均与模型实测体积作配对资料t检验和相关关系分析。结果甲状腺模型实测体积与密度阈值法及3mm手动勾边法估算体积无统计学差异(t=0.6605,2.2539;P=0.5301;0.0589)且高度正相关(r=0.998,0.998);而甲状腺模型实测体积与5mm手动勾边法及椭球体公式法估算体积有统计学差异(t=5.7391,3.7499;P=0.0007,0.0072),且3mm和5mm层厚手动勾边法之间也有统计学差异(t=4.0664;P=0.0048)。结论甲状腺能通过一定密度范围与周围组织完全区分时,CT密度阈值法可较准确、简便地估算甲状腺体积,否侧需采用手动勾边法估算,层厚最好不超过3mm,操作相对繁锁,但准确性高于5mm层厚手动勾边及椭球体公式估算体积。
Objective To study the value of 90 Sr treatment for capillary haemangioma and hypertrophic scar. Methods 13 patients with skin capillary haemangioma, 76 patients with skin proliferative scar, and 21 patients with operative scar were treated with 90 Sr. We treated the patients with capillary haemangioma with different radiative dosage and through seperative radiation according to the patient’s age. We treated the patients with skin proliferative scar with seperative radiation and total 2 000~3 000cGY. Results The treament results of the patients with capillary haemangioma were of cure rate 85%, and effective rate 15%. The total effective rate of the patients with proliferative scar was 76%. Conclusion As long as we master indications seriously and select and regulate radiative dosage and times, we can get fine clinical results.