Protease activity in 13 doll fish, Andrias davidianus, digestive organs: tongue, esophagus, cardia, stomach, pylorus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, rectum, cloacal chamber, liver, pancreas, gall bladder were analysed with gelatine polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis (G-PAGE). Compared to rats and rhesus monkeys (Macaca mullatta tcheliensis), protease activity in the Andrias davidianus digestive system was more varied and stronger. The activity of acid proteases>that of the neutral proteases>that of the alkaline proteases. The kinds and activities of neutral and alkaline proteases in the Andrias davidianus digestive system wereare very different, while the kinds of acid proteases in them were very similar, but their activities are different. Analysing the activities of proteases in these organs shows that protease activity in the duodenum>that in rectum>that in stomach>that in pancreas>that in liver. Experimental results suggest that the function of the rectum and liver in Andrias davidianus may be as important as that of the duodenum and pancreas in food degradation .