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作品数:2 被引量:1H指数:1


  • 2篇中文期刊文章


  • 2篇理学


  • 2篇HD
  • 2篇HF
  • 2篇F
  • 2篇RYDBER...
  • 1篇REACTI...
  • 1篇RESONA...
  • 1篇STUDY
  • 1篇REACTI...


  • 2篇中国科学院


  • 2篇汪涛
  • 2篇杨学明
  • 2篇王秀岩
  • 2篇董文锐
  • 2篇戴东旭
  • 2篇肖春雷


  • 2篇Chines...


  • 2篇2011
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
High Resolution Crossed Molecular Beams Study on the F+HD→HF+D Reaction at Collision Energy of 5.43-18.73 kJ/mol
The dynamics of F+HD→HF+D reaction has been studied at ten collision energies ranging from 5.43 kJ/mol to 18.73 kJ/mol using high-resolution H/D atom Rydberg tagging time-of-flight method. Product vibrational and rotational state-resolved differential cross sections have been determined. The intensity of the HF(v1=2) forward products decreases as the collision energy increases, suggesting that the resonance contribution is reduced as the collision energy increases. The forward peak of HF(vl=3) product has also been observed above the threshold of this product channel. Product energy disposals in different degrees of freedom have been analyzed. The collision energy dependence of the HF vibrational product branching was also determined. This work presents a comprehensive dynamic picture of this resonance mediated reaction in a wide collision energy regime, providing a good test ground for theoretical understandings of this interesting reaction at higher collision energies.
High Resolution Crossed Molecular Beams Study on the F+HD→HF+D Reaction at Collision Energy of 8.19-18.98 kJ/mol被引量:1
The crossed beams scattering dynamics of the F+HD→HF+D reaction have been studied at collision energies ranging from 8.19 k J/tool to 18.98 k J/tool using the high resolution H-atom Rydberg tagging time-of-flight method. Product rotational state-resolved differential cross sections have been measured. Most of the DF products are backward scattered at low collision energies and then gradually shift to the sideway as the collision energy increases. In addition to the backward and sideway scatterings, we have also observed the DF(v'=4) product in the forward direction for the first time for this reaction. The forward scattering DF(v=4) product also increases with the collision energy. Angular and collision energy dependence of the product energy disposals in different degrees of freedom have been determined. Collision energy dependence of the vibrational branching ratios has also been examined. Possible dynamical origins of the forward scattering DF(v'=4) products were discussed.