Effective guidance is one of the most important tasks to the performance of air-to-air missile. The fuzzy logic controller is able to perform effectively even in situations where the information about the plant is inaccurate and the operating conditions are uncertain. Based on the proportional navigation, the fuzzy logic and the genetic algorithm are combined to develop an evolutionary fuzzy navigation law with self-adapt region for the air-to-air missile guidance. The line of sight (LOS) rate and the closing speed between the missile and the target are inputs of the fuzzy controller. The output of the fuzzy controller is the commanded acceleration. Then a nonlinear function based on the conventional fuzzy logic control is imported to change the region. This nonlinear function can be changed with the input variables. So the dynamic change of the fuzzy variable region is achieved. The guidance law is optimized by the genetic algorithm. Simulation results of air-to-air missile attack using MATLAB show that the method needs less acceleration and shorter flying time, and its realization is simple.[KH*3/4D]