In this paper, two engineering application examples of combustor design software package for small gas turbine engine were provided. First, the software package was used to analyze the internal flow fields of a reverse how combustor, the results showed a strong recirculating zone was produced at primary zone of liner, this recirculating zone provided a stable heat resource for high efficiency combustion, the flow field at liner was unsymmetrical, there was full mix between high temperature gas and cold dilution gas, a lot of airflow was used to protect liner wall because of greater liner surface aera, total pressure loss of combustor was small, combustor had good performances. Secondly, the software package was used to help to design a new reverse flow combustor, the results revealed that for preliminary combustor design scheme, there wasn’t strong recalculation at primary zone, jet penetration depths at primary holes were very small and wall temperature at outer liner was higher, many good suggestions for improve combustor design were put forward, important guide value of the software package for the development of combustor was verified.