马尾松(Pin us mass oniana Lamb)是我国南方的重要树种,广泛分布于秦岭以南各省。其木材干形好、通直,耐水湿,纤维素含量高,广泛用于建筑、煤炭、道路桥涵、造纸等业。马尾松是我国主要的产松脂树种,以马尾松松脂为原料生产的松香,是林业部门最重要的出口创汇产品。马尾松还是我国南方农村广大群众喜爱的良好的薪材。在我国南方的森林中,马尾松的面积和蓄积都占有相当的比重,以湖北省为例。
The growth responses of Gaozhou masson pine pulpwood to 4 thinning intensities were studied by comparative analysis.The results indicated that,under the identical characteristics of soil profile and ground vegefation in different thinning intensities,the variations of DBH and height under branch have significant differences with the maximum accretion of DBH and the lowest accretion of height under branch in 15*!m×20*!m stand,while the average increments of tree height and crown diameter were not obviously different.The aboveground biomass increments of 1.5*!m×1.5*!m and 1.5*!m×2.0*!m stands were higher than those of other stands by thinning within 3 years.Under the comprehensive survey of the growth responses of pulpwood to thinning intensity and the wood property for papermaking,the proper density of Gaozhou masson pine pulpwood should be 1.5*!m×2.0*!m with 15 years cutting period of return on hilly land of central Hubei Province.