It’s very important to study the transportation of suspended matter for the coats engineering. We have to understand the quantity and direction of the movement of suspended matter for studying the change of coast and deposit of sediment on the sea bed. For this porpose we have measured the currents and the quantity of suspended matter near the section B in different seasons since 1983.According to data and calculation, we’ve got the following conclusions: 1) The quantity of suspended matter transported by tidal current through the section B is about 19.6 million tons each year, but the transportation, quantity is the same in both direction of flood tide and ebb tide. 2) The quantity of suspended matter removed by residual current is about 8.57 million tons each year, the direction of tran.spotation points to north'west. 3) The transportation quantity of suspended matter due to the winddriven current in. storm weather is about 0.95 million, tons each year,the direction of transportation points to south.