中医术语颇具文学色彩,多见取类比象的隐喻修辞。隐喻修辞给含有丰富文化内涵的中医术语英译带来一定挑战。本文通过对脏腑器官命名、方剂等含隐喻中医术语的英译举隅,探讨中医隐喻英译策略。笔者提出,对于中医中含隐喻的文化负载词,译者可避繁求简,直译本义;针对文化差异较大的隐喻,可选择性过滤源语言信息,以淡化文化冲突;为彰显方剂的组方特点和文化意蕴,译者则需要深度加工,达意传神。无论采取何种翻译策略,译者都应在准确理解隐喻术语内涵的基础上,权衡语境,发挥主体性,忠实传递中医文化内涵。*通讯作者。Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) terminology is rich in literary flavor, with extensive use of metaphorical rhetoric based on analogies and symbolism. The metaphorical rhetoric poses certain challenges to the English translation of TCM terms that carry profound cultural connotations. This paper explores strategies for translating metaphorical TCM terms into English by examining examples of organ names and formulas. It suggests that for certain culturally-loaded terms, translators can avoid unnecessary complexity and directly translate the literal meaning. When dealing with metaphors that involve significant cultural differences, translators can selectively filter the source language information to avoid cultural conflicts. To highlight the composition features and cultural implications of TCM formulas, translators need to engage in in-depth processing to convey the intended meaning. Regardless of the translation strategy adopted, translators should carefully consider the context, leverage their subjectivity, and communicate the cultural connotations of TCM accurately based on full understanding of the metaphorical terms.