《黄帝内经》成书年代久远,内容浩繁,文字古奥,其间存在大量争议之处。本研究对比分析《黄帝内经》四个英译本中的“夜卧早起”的英译及其英译策略。研究发现,李照国英译本因误用sleep late,很有可能会给目标读者造成曲解,导致误认为春三月应“睡懒觉”“晚起”。吴连胜&吴奇英译本将其译成“日落入睡”,除了语法瑕疵外,译文亦与原文不符。伊扎·威斯采用规避翻译法,避重就轻,漏译了原文中的重要信息。文树德版本采用“Go to rest late at night and rise early”诠释“夜卧早起”,语义最贴近。可见,“夜卧早起”一词虽短,但含义较多,想译好它,并非易事,不仅需要译者正确理解原文,还需要译者对目标语拥有良好的语言驾驭能力。译者的理解及其外语能力在很大程度上决定译作的质量。本研究结果对中医药典籍翻译和传播及中医药外语翻译人才培养具有一定的教育指导意义。
Vocabulary has a direct impact on people's communication competence. A good mastery of an English word covers its pronunciation, spelling, part of speech, meaning and application. This article will focus only on factors affecting the retention and application of a word from the perspective of semantic disparities, different defining angles in English and Chinese, emotional coloring and styles, morphological changes, and collocation. The author hopes that this article will be able to provide some insights into vocabulary teaching.