为应对极端天气气候事件频发、大气污染向复合型污染过渡、人口加速老龄化等现状,具备大气科学、环境科学、人工智能、预防医学等多领域知识的复合型人才需求巨大,建设基于学科交叉的“气象环境与健康”微专业势在必行。文章首先系统性分析国内外相关微专业发展现状,进而基于我国健康事业的迫切需求,系统性阐述“气象环境与健康”微专业的课程体系设置、人才培养目标和实践案例,最后以成都信息工程大学为例,剖析其建设微专业的依托专业、平台支撑和师资队伍等。以期服务于全民大健康和“健康中国2030”战略,并为同类微专业的建设和教学改革提供一定借鉴。Faced with the frequent occur of extreme weather events, the transition from single-pollutant to compound-pollutant air pollution, and the accelerated population aging, there is a huge demand for inter-disciplinary talents in China in multiple fields, including atmospheric science, environmental science, artificial intelligence, and preventive medicine, etc. Therefore, it is imperative to establish a micro specialty of “Meteorology, Environment and Health”, based on deep interdisciplinary integration. The current study first analyzed the developments and current situations of relevant micro specialties in the world. Further, based on the urgent need for a social health career in China, the curriculum system, training objectives, and practical cases of “Meteorology, Environment and Health” micro specialty were elaborated systematically. Moreover, took Chengdu University of Information Technology as an example, and the relevant majors, supporting platforms, and faculty team for establishing this micro specialty were analyzed in detail. The construction of “Meteorology, Environment and Health” micro specialty could help serve the “Healthy China 2030” strategy, improve the national health level, and provide references for the construction or reform of
由于城市化进程快速推进,城市环境问题日益凸显,热岛效应和臭氧问题是城市化两个突出的环境问题。为了研究川南城市群热岛效应对臭氧浓度的影响,本文用MODIS地表温度数据以及臭氧历史监测数据,分析了2010~2019年川南城市群城市热岛效应和臭氧浓度的时空分布特征、热岛效应对臭氧浓度的影响。结果表明:(1) 川南城市群城市用地热岛强度的年变化波动幅度较大,总体表现为2015年前减弱,2015年后增强,其中热岛强度最高值出现在2012年(1.39℃),最低值出现在2015年(−0.23℃)。热岛强度季节变化幅度较大。从空间分布上看,川南城市群秋季强热岛分布面积最广,冬季热岛分布显著缩减;(2) 川南城市群五个城市臭氧浓度均呈现春夏高,秋冬低的分布特征,五个城市除乐山外其余四个城市夏季臭氧浓度约为冬季的两倍。空间分布上,春季和冬季臭氧浓度空间分布表现为内江和自贡略高于剩余三个城市,夏季乐山和内江出现大面积高值区(88~102 μg/m3);(3) 热岛强度与臭氧浓度存在显著正相关性。城市化发展程度越高,对土地覆盖的影响越大,人口密度越集中,热岛效应越明显,促进臭氧的生成。Due to the rapid progress of urbanization, urban environmental problems are becoming increasingly prominent, with heat island effect and ozone problem being the two prominent environmental problems of urbanization. In order to study the impact of urban heat island effect on ozone concentration in the southern Sichuan urban agglomeration, this paper uses MODIS surface temperature data and historical ozone monitoring data to analyze the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of urban heat island effect and ozone concentration in the southern Sichuan urban agglomeration from 2010 to 2019, as well as the impact of heat island effect on ozone concentration. The results show that: (1) the annual fluctuation of urban land heat island intensity in the so