The penetration resistance of Kevlar-129 fiber reinforced composite materials was investigated with AUTODYN software.The ballistic limits of the fragment that pierced 6kinds of target plates were obtained by finite element simulation when the 10 g fragment simulation projectile(FSP)impacting to the target plates of different thickness values of 8,10,12,14,16 and 18mm with appropriate velocity,respectively,and the influences of thickness on the ballistic limits and the specific energy absorption were analyzed.The results show that the ballistic limit of Kevlar-129 fiber reinforced composite plates presents linear growth with the increase of the target thickness in the range from 8to 18 mm.The specific energy absorption of plates presents approximately linear growth,but there is slightly slow growth in the range from 10 to 16mm of the target thickness.It also can be found that the influences of plate thickness and surface density on the varying pattern of specific energy absorption are almost the same.Therefore,both of them can be used to characterize the variation of specific energy absorption under the impact of the FSP fragment.