The genome sequence information in combination with DNA microarrays promises to revolutionize the way of cellu-lar and molecular biological research by allowing complex mixtures of RNA and DNA to interrogated in a parallel and quantita-tive fashion. DNA microarrays can be used to measure levels of gene expression for tens of thousands of gene simultane-ously and take advantage of all available sequence information for experimental design and data interpretation in pursuit of biological understanding. Recent progress in experimental genomics allows DNA microarrays not simply to provide a cata-logue of all the genes and information about their function, but to understand how the components work together to comprise functioning cells and organisms. This brief review gives a survey of DNA microarrays technology and its applications in ge-nome and gene function analysis, gene expression studies, biological signal and defense system, cell cycle regulation, mechanism of transcriptional regulation, proteomics, and the functionality of food component.
The yeast two\|hybrid system is a molecular genetic approach for protein interaction and it is widely used to screen for proteins that interact with a protein of interest in recent years.This process includes,construction and testing of the bait plasmid,screening a plasmid library for interacting fusion protein,elimination of false positives and delection analysis of true positives.This procedure is designed to allow investigators to identify proteins and their encoding cDNAs that have a biologically significant interaction with a protein of interest.More and more studies have demonstrated that the two\|hybrid system is a powerful and sensitive technique for the identification of genes that code for proteins that interact in a biologically significant fashion with a protein of interest in higher plants.This method has been used to identify new interaction protein in many laboratories.The recently reported yeast tri\|brid system,should allow the investigation of more complex protein\|protein interactions.The aim of this review is to outline the recent progress made in protein interactions by using yeast two\|hybrid system.
Genetically engineered transgenic animals and plants have proven to be extremely useful for analyzing biochemical and developmental processes.Promoters responding to chemical inducers will be powerful tools for basic research in molecular biology and biotechnological applications.Various chemical inducible systems based on activation and inactivation of the target gene had been described.The transfer of regulatory elements from prokaryotes,insects,and mammals has opened new avenues to construct chemically inducible promoters that differ in their ability to regulate the temporal and spatial expression patterns,and this will dramatically increase the application of transgenic technology.This review provides an overview on regulation of gene expression,promoter activating systems,promoter inactivation systems,inducible gene over expression,and inducible anti suppression.