为了调查花生仁内生细菌种类多样性,应用Illumina Mi Seq高通量测序技术测定花生仁内生细菌的16S r DNA-V4变异区序列,并采用Mothur软件整理及统计样品序列数目和操作分类单元(OTUs)数量,分析物种的丰度、分布和α多样性.研究获得用于分析的有效序列和OTU数分别为69 284和25;稀疏曲线表明测序深度充分,OTU的数量接近于饱和.花生仁内生细菌主要分布于食酸菌属(Acidovorax)和希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella),丰度分别为83.33%和16.67%.且内生细菌的Chao1指数为25.00,Shannon指数为1.29.
The species diversity, structure and dynamic rules of insect communities in wetland can provide data of the insects for the protection, utilization and monitor- ing of wetland, which is an essential link to maintain the healthy ecological system of the wetland and protect the biodiversity in the wetland. A systematic study on the composition and succession of insect communities in the wetland, as well as the indication of insect groups can provide a theoretical basis for wetland protection and management, and thus promote the development of regional economy and en- vironmental protection.