随着近些年中国经济迅猛发展,国际地位的不断攀升以及医学高等教育的国际化,来华求学的留学生人数逐年增多。如何提高留学生的教学质量是当前每个医学院校的首要任务。扎实的人体寄生虫学知识是完善留学生医学知识体系、通过美国执业医师考试USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination)不可或缺的条件。为了准确、客观地评价留学生的人体寄生虫课程学习效果,石河子大学医学院病原免疫教研室构建了留学生人体寄生虫考试试题库。试题库不仅是检验留学生学习效果的重要手段,也是实现教考分离的举措之一;试题库极大地提升了阅卷效率并能有效地减少误判率。构建留学生试题库是医学教育考试、管理从传统向现代化、科学化、规范化过渡的必经之路。本文从试题建设的导向、和临床结合的状况、题型的设置和比例、题目的数量、分值的设置、题型难易比例、答题时间等介绍本教研室留学生人体寄生虫试题库建设的体会,以期为留学生适应、通过USMLE考试提供帮助。With the rapid development of China’s economy in recent years, the continuous rise of China’s international status and the internationalization of medical higher education, the number of international students studying in China is increasing year by year. How to improve the teaching quality of international students is the primary task of every medical college. Solid knowledge of human parasitology is an indispensable condition for international students to improve their medical knowledge system and pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). In order to accurately and objectively evaluate the learning effect of the human parasite course for international students, the Department of Pathogen and Immunity of the School of Medicine of Shihezi University established the test bank of human parasite examination for international students. The test bank is not