为了使旋锻所得管件质量更高、加工效率更快,以柔性送料方式为基础,基于0.5 mm厚铜管,结合锻模入口锥角、送料速度等工艺参数分析其对管件成形质量的影响。得出结论:对于0.5 mm厚管件,适当降低锻模入口锥角可以减小因震动引起的管件厚度不均,还能降低装置轴向送料压力,提高管件表面光滑度及送料装置使用寿命,锻模角选择15˚最佳;在一定范围内,管件轴向伸长量随送料速度的增大而减短,但速度过大时会导致材料异常的径向堆积,成形质量下降。In order to improve the quality and processing efficiency of the pipe fittings obtained by rotary forging, a flexible feeding method was used as the basis. The influence of process parameters such as the entrance angle of the forging die and the feeding speed on the forming quality of the 0.5 mm thick pipe fittings was analyzed. The results concluded that for 0.5 mm thick pipe fittings, an appropriate reduction in the forging die entry cone angle can minimize the uneven wall thickness caused by vibrations and reduce the axial feeding force needed by the equipment. This adjustment not only enhances the surface smoothness of the pipe fittings but also extends the service life of the feeding system, with an optimal cone angle of 15˚. In a certain range, the axial elongation decreases the feeding speed, and the speed will cause the abnormal radial accumulation of the material and reduce the forming quality.