内容教学法(Content Based Instruction)融语言学习与内容学习为一体,对我国高校复合型外语专业教学有一定的启发作用。本文首先分析了CBI的含义、理论基础及五种主要模式,接着结合我国高校外语专业教学中复合型人才的培养模式,并以商务英语教学为例,阐述了CBI各模式所能发挥的功用。文章最后探讨了CBI应用中面临的困难、挑战以及相应的对策。
Ambiguity is a unique linguistic feature and is caused by many factors. This paper first introduces the definitions of ambiguity and then mainly illustrates ambiguity in our daily language usage in both English and Chinese from phonetic level and syntactic level. People can learn the relationships among those levels and grasp the rule of learning language. Thus, people can realize the complexity and importance of using language and know that it is not easy to express ideas accurately.