Objective] This study almed to compare the effects of three absorbing medium on microwave degradation of chIordane in contaminated soiI under alkaline condition. [Method] SoiI sampIes were coI ected from the original site of a reIocated pesticide production enterprise as experimental materials, to investigate the effects of Cu2O, MnO2 and activated carbon powder as absorbing medium on soiI warming and removal rate of chIordane under alkaline condition with 20% moisture content. In addition, the effects of activated carbon as the optimal absorbing media on the removal rate of chIordane in contaminated soiI were analyzed, and the effects on the removal rate of chIordane in different weights of soiI sampIes were investigated. [Result] The effects of three different absorbing medium on the removal rates of chIordane demonstrated a descending order of activated carbon > MnO2 > CuO2. Under the same microwave condition, the removal rate of chIordane decreased with the increase of soiI weights, but the utiIization efficiency of microwave was improved continuousIy and tended to be stabiIized with the increase of soiI weights. [Conclu-sion] This study provided a theoretical basis for further Iarge-scale appIication in soiI remediation.