英语缩略语由于顺应了人们生活中的“经济原则”而大量嵌入到汉语中,并引起了学者的研究兴趣。本文以都市类报纸中嵌入英语缩略语的中文广告语篇为语料,找出使用频率较高的英语缩略语,并对这一语言现象从模因概念、周期以及语用效应的角度探讨其成为强势模因的动因及其产生的语用功能,从一个新的角度揭示英语缩略语在汉语中存在的理据。 English abbreviations have been largely embedded into Chinese since they apply with the “principles of economy” in life, and they are of interest to researchers. By making an investigation into the data of Chinese advertisements embedded with English abbreviations from popular newspapers and based on the theory of memetics, the present paper hopes to find out the English abbreviations frequently used in the ads, discusses how some abbreviations become powerful memes and probes into their pragmatic effects, so as to provide the rationale for the existence of English abbreviations in Chinese from a brand perspective.