地下水在饮用水供水中占有重要地位,在农田灌溉和工业用水中也占有一定的比重,广东省茂名市的发展更是离不开地下水开发利用。随着人口的持续增长和经济的快速发展,越来越多的茂名市的地下水受到一定程度的污染,水的供需矛盾日益突出。在上述背景下,本文应用模糊综合评判法对茂名市2007年丰水期19个地下水监测点的水质情况进行了评价分析,评价结果显示茂名市地下水缺乏优质的地下水源,水质均收到一定的污染,其中接近80%监测点的地下水属于IV、V类水,为水质标准中最差的两类。该研究在一定程度上说明了茂名市地下水的污染问题较为严重,采取有效的水质污染控制措施十分重要。Groundwater plays an important role in drinking water supply, farmland irrigation and industrial consumption, as well as in the development of Maoming City. With rapid economic development as well as the dramatic growth of population, more and more groundwater in Maoming has been polluted, which leads to the increasingly conspicuous contradiction between supply and demand of water. Under the background above, this paper used Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation method to assess the groundwater quality of 19 monitoring stations in Maoming during wet season of 2007. The results showed that the groundwater of Maoming has been polluted, which leads to the lack of high quality water. More than 80% of the groundwater could be categorized into class IV or V, the worst water quality in national standard. This study revealed the serious pollution of groundwater in Maoming. Establishing effective strategies on pollution control will be of great significance.
为了解决传统水文时间序列预测模型预测精度不高、未考虑实际噪声影响等问题,将小波消噪(Wavelet De-noise,WD)与秩次集对分析(Rank Set Pair Analysis,RSPA)方法耦合,建立基于小波消噪的秩次集对分析水文预测模型(WD-RSPA),并应用于马口站年总径流量以及深圳市年总降雨量预测。结果表明:当集合维数T=4时,coif3-RSPA模型预测马口站径流量的预测误差|e|=11.97%;T=6时,db5-RSPA模型预测深圳市降雨量的预测误差|e|=17.73%。相较于传统AR(1)模型和单一的RSPA模型,WD-RSPA模型更接近真实值,是一种切实可行的水文时间序列预测方法。