课程知识图谱是教育知识图谱中的一种类型,是用可视化的图谱方式来呈现课程中的知识点间的丰富关系,它可以整合大量的课程数据,为学习者提供个性化学习的技术手段。八年级下册数学在初中数学中扮演着重要的角色。这一阶段的学习不仅可以对之前所学知识进行巩固和深化,更可以为后续的学习打下基础,通过八年级下册数学课程的学习,学生可以提高解题能力和逻辑思维能力。课程知识图谱不仅可以辅助教师去完成备课、教研、试卷分析等工作,还能反映学生当前的知识掌握情况,为他们提供个性化的学习路径规划,助力他们更有效地学习。文章以人教版八年级下册数学课程中的《平行四边形》为例,构造了课程知识图谱,探讨了课程知识图谱在教学中的应用。Curriculum knowledge mapping is a type of educational knowledge mapping, which is a visual mapping to present the rich relationships between knowledge points in a curriculum, and it can integrate a large amount of curriculum data to provide learners with technical tools for personalised learning. Lower 8th grade mathematics plays an important role in middle school mathematics. This stage of learning can not only consolidate and deepen the knowledge learned before, but also lay the foundation for subsequent learning, through the learning of the eighth grade lower mathematics course, students can improve their problem solving ability and logical thinking ability. Curriculum knowledge mapping can not only assist teachers in preparing lessons, conducting research, and analyzing test papers, but also reflect students’ current knowledge mastery, providing them with personalized learning path planning and helping them learn more effectively. The article takes the Parallelogram in the second book of the eighth grade mathematics curriculum of the Renjiao version as an example, constructs a curriculum knowledge map, and discusses the application of the curricu
成果导向教育(Outcome Based Education),简称OBE,作为一种先进的教育理念,得到了人们的广泛重视与认可,已成为许多发达国家教育改革的主流理念.工程数学课程是大学许多专业的一类必修课程,通过这些课程的学习,学生不仅能掌握数学的基本理论和方法,夯实从事工程技术必需的数学功底,而且还能加强创新意识,提高科学计算能力和实际操作与应用等能力.本文研究了如何利用OBE理念指导工程数学课程的教学改革;探索在OBE理念下,如何根据工程数学课程的专业特点将课程理论知识的教育、应用技能的培养和外部实际需求有效结合.