目的:为研究文山州植烟土壤酸碱度与烤烟质量的关系,为优质烟叶的生产提供参考依据。方法:选取了云南文山州7个烤烟种植县的222份土壤样品以及222份烤烟样品,检测了土壤样品的pH值,并对不同pH值土壤所产烟叶样品进行了外观质量鉴定、物理指标检测、化学成分分析及感官评吸质量评价。结果:1) 土壤pH与烟叶外观质量总分、油分得分和含梗率呈负相关关系,与叶宽呈极显著正相关关系,且随着土壤pH值升高烟叶颜色和成熟度得分呈下降趋势。2) 土壤pH值与烟叶总植物碱含量呈正相关关系,与钾含量、氮碱比和两糖比呈负相关关系;随着土壤pH值的上升,还原糖含量有下降趋势。3) 土壤pH值与烟叶的杂气、烟气细腻柔和程度和干燥感呈负相关关系,土壤pH (5.5~6.5)所产烟叶评吸总分表现最好。结论:植烟土壤的酸碱度对烤烟质量存在明显影响,适宜的土壤pH (5.5~6.5)有利于提高烟叶的整体质量。Background: In order to study the relationship between the pH of tobacco planting soil and the quality of roasted tobacco in Wenshan Prefecture, and to provide a reference basis for the production of high-quality tobacco. Methods: A total of 222 soil samples and 222 roasted tobacco samples from seven tobacco growing counties in Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province were selected, and the pH values of the soil samples were detected. Tobacco samples produced from soils with different pH values were analyzed for the identification of appearance quality, physical indexes, and chemical composition, and combined with the organoleptic evaluation of the smoking quality of the tobacco leaves to identify the influence of soil pH on the quality of roasted tobacco. Results: 1) Soil pH was negatively correlated with the total score of tobacco appearance quality, oil score and stems rate, and it was significantly positively correlated with leaf width, and the color and maturity scores of tobacco leaf showed a de
目的:为了筛选减少烤烟生产中青枯病和黑胫病危害的生物拮抗菌剂,方法:以市售生物菌剂和新研发的腺毛二萜提取物为材料,开展盆栽实验研究其对烤烟青枯病、黑胫病防效及对烤烟农艺性状影响,开展田间试验研究其对烤烟经济性状、化学成分的影响,结果:结果显示,稼碧乐生物菌剂对青枯病、黑胫病有较强的直接抑制作用;菌为农生物菌剂、稼碧乐生物菌剂、阵地-5亿/mL多粘类芽孢杆菌KN-03液体和烟草腺毛二萜提取物10%微乳剂对烤烟青枯病和黑胫病的发生均有防效,3种菌剂和诱抗剂均表现出促进生长发育的作用;稼碧乐生物菌剂和烟草腺毛二萜提取物10%微乳剂对增加烤烟经济性状有较明显的正向作用,施用处理所产烟叶的化学成分指标较优。结论:在云南省文山州烤烟生产种,稼碧乐生物菌剂和烟草腺毛二萜提取物10%微乳剂是防效较优的2种防治烤烟青枯病、黑胫病的生物药剂。Purpose: In order to screen biological antagonistic agents that reduce the harm of tobacco wilt and black shank disease in tobacco production, Method: Using commercially available biological agents and glandular hair diterpenoid extracts as materials, pot experiments were conducted to study their control effects on tobacco wilt and black shank disease, as well as their impact on the agricultural traits of tobacco. Field experiments were also conducted to study their effects on the economic traits and chemical composition of tobacco. Results: The results showed that Jiabile biological microbial agent has a strong direct inhibitory effect on bacterial wilt and black shank disease;the three bacterial agents, namely Nongjiao and Jiabile biological agents, Bacillus subtilis KN-03 liquid at a concentration of -500 million/mL, and 10% microemulsion of tobacco glandular hair diterpenoid extract, were effective in preventing the occurrence of tobacco wilt and black shank disease. All three bacterial agents and ind