[Objective] The aim was to isolate the strains resistant to plant pathogenic fungi from Southern Ocean and study their phylogenetic relationship and antimicrobial spectrum. [Method] Agar diffusion method was adopted to screen antimicrobial strains and determine the antimicrobial spectrum. Phylogenetic relationship of the strains was analyzed by neighbor-joining method of the Mega 4.0 software. [Result] Twenty antimicrobial strains were screened from seawater of Southern Ocean collected during the 27^th Chinese Antarctic Scientific Expedition. Molecular identification and phyloge- netic analysis indicated that two antimicrobial strains were members of Pseu- domonas, two strains were members of Psychrobacter, and the other 16 trains were members of Pseudoalteromonas. The antimicrobial spectrum of four strains which had higher antimicrobial activity indicated that the strains 312, 83-1 and 195 greatly inhibited the growth of Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani K(Jhn, Phytophthora capsici Leonian, Verticillium dahliae, Alternaria solani, Thanatephoru scucumeris and Phomopsis asparagi (Sacc); strain 312-1 had obvious antimicrobial effect on the six of the plant pathogens except R. solani. [Conclusion] Four strains which had higher antimicrobial effect were obtained and should be further studied for development and application.