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Mathematical Modeling of the Co-Infection Dynamics of HIV and Tuberculosis Incorporating Inconsistency in HIV Treatment
A non-linear HIV-TB co-infection has been formulated and analyzed. The positivity and invariant region has been established. The disease free equilibrium and its stability has been determined. The local stability was determined and found to be stable under given conditions. The basic reproduction number was obtained and according to findings, co-infection diminishes when this number is less than unity, and persists when the number is greater than unity. The global stability of the endemic equilibrium was calculated. The impact of HIV on TB was established as well as the impact of TB on HIV. Numerical solution was also done and the findings indicate that when the rate of HIV treatment increases the latent TB increases while the co-infected population decreases. When the rate of HIV treatment decreases the latent TB population decreases and the co-infected population increases. Encouraging communities to prioritize the consistent treatment of HIV infected individuals must be emphasized in order to reduce the scourge of HIV-TB co-infection.
Sr Mary Nyambura MwangiVirginia M. KitetuIsaac O. Okwany
Socio-Demographic and Occupational Aspects of HIV-HBV Co-Infection in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR): Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study
Objective: HIV-HBV co-infection is a major public health problem that has not been sufficiently explored in the Central African workplace. The aim of this study was to assess the frequency of HIV-HBV co-infection among people who living with HIV (PLHIV) in the infectious and tropical diseases department of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de lAmiti Sino-Centrafricaine in Bangui. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2021 in the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department at the Amiti Sino-Centrafricaine University Hospital. It included the files of all PLHIV, which included the results of HBV serology. A standardized form was used to collect socio-demographic and professional data by documentary review. Data was analysed using Epi-Info 7 software. Means, proportions were calculated as well as Chi square witch was significant if p-value was below 0.05. Results: The study included 265 patients, 188 were women (70.1%) and 77 men (29.1%), giving a sex ratio of 0.45. Mean age was 35.8 years, higher in men (40 years) than in women (35.8 years) (p 0.0001). The age groups 25 to 34 (37.7%) and 35 to 44 (33.6%) were in the majority (71.3%). The majority of PLHIV were unemployed (57.1%), including housewives (43.0%). HBV prevalence was 14.3%, including 7.2% among the unemployed, who account for half of all co-infections. The search for associations between HIV-HBV co-infection and all socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex, marital status) and socio-professional categories showed no significant difference (p 0.05). Conclusion: PLHIV were predominantly young adults, female, and unemployed;no occupation was significantly associated with co-infection. The vast majority of co-infected people were not covered by the occupational health system (unemployed or informal sector). Urgent action is needed to improve workers access to occupational medicine in CAR.
Gaspard TékpaHermione Dahlia Mossoro-KpindeJessy Guylaine NazilariGertrude KomoyoSaint Calvaire Henri Diémer
目的探讨艾滋病(AIDS)合并结核病(TB)对CD8^(+)T淋巴细胞的影响。方法将单纯人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者、单纯TB患者、HIV感染合并TB者各200例分别作为HIV组、TB组、HIV/TB组,分析各组血清CD8^(+)T细胞及CD4^(+)T细胞变化。结果三组CD8^(+)T细胞水平比较呈现HIV组>HIV/TB组>TB组,且组间差异有统计学意义(χ2=128.779,P<0.001)。HIV/TB组、HIV组CD8^(+)T细胞水平较正常水平升高(ZHIV/TB=8.343,PHIV/TB<0.001;ZHIV=7.988,PHIV<0.001),而TB组CD8^(+)T细胞较正常水平明显下降(ZTB=8.682,PTB<0.001)。三组CD4^(+)T细胞水平均较正常下降(ZHIV=11.088,PHIV<0.001;ZTB=5.562,PTB<0.001;ZHIV/TB=12.077,PHIV/TB<0.001)。按照CD4^(+)T细胞计数进行分层分析发现,当CD4^(+)T细胞计数≤100 cells/μL时,三组CD8^(+)T细胞水平比较:HIV组>TB组,HIV组>HIV/TB组,且HIV/TB组CD8^(+)T细胞水平较正常显著下降(Z0-100=1.604,P0-100=0.109);当CD4^(+)T细胞≥101 cells/μL时,CD8^(+)T细胞三组比较:HIV/TB组>TB组,HIV组>TB组;当CD4^(+)T细胞>500 cells/μL,三组CD8^(+)T细胞水平均在正常范围内。三组CD8^(+)T细胞与CD4^(+)T细胞变化趋势的差异分析结果提示,以HIV组为参照,随着CD4^(+)T细胞计数的下降,TB组、HIV/TB组的CD8^(+)T细胞均比HIV组下降趋势更明显,差异有统计学意义(斜率分别为0.344和0.216,P<0.001)。结论随着CD4^(+)T细胞的下降,HIV感染合并TB和TB均可导致CD8^(+)T细胞下降,且TB的CD8^(+)T细胞下降更加显著。
Co-infection with Neisseria mucosa in a patient with tuberculous otitis media
Tuberculous otitis media(TOM) is a rare manifestation caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis with low incidence rates among extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases. Diagnosis is often delayed because of the presence of several clinical manifestations and the high prevalence of secondary bacterial infections. Few reports have attributed secondary bacterial infections in patients with TOM to commensal Neisseria. Thus, understanding the pathogenic mechanisms and clinical features of commensal Neisseria is important, considering its recent presentation as an infection-causing pathogen. Neisseria mucosa is a commensal inhabitant in humans and is generally considered non-pathogenic but can cause infection in rare cases. Here, we report an atypical secondary infection caused by Neisseria mucosa in an 81-year-old woman with TOM being treated for pulmonary tuberculosis. Direct purulent otorrhea smear microscopy revealed no acid-fast bacilli using Ziehl-Neelsen staining, whereas the phagocytosis of gram-negative cocci by white blood cells was confirmed using Gram staining. Otorrhea culture revealed the growth of N. mucosa. Subsequently, M. tuberculosis infection in the otorrhea was identified using a culture-based method. Vigilance is critical for the early detection of TOM to prevent further complications. This report raises awareness regarding TOM and provides insight into the pathogenicity of N. mucosa in otitis media.
Tatsuya HiokiKazuaki SoejimaYuki GotoMakoto SugiuraTakumi UmemuraYoshimi IshiharaYoshikazu MutohDaisuke SakanashiHiroshige Mikamo
The Prevalence and Clinical Manifestations of Co-Infection in Pediatric Infectious Mononucleosis: A Single-Centered, Retrospective Study
Background: Recent studies indicate that the incidence of infectious mononucleosis (IM) has increased in China. Furthermore, it has been shown that children diagnosed with IM are prone to acquiring other pathogens. However, there is limited research on the prevalence of these co-infections in children with IM. Thus, we conducted this study to determine the prevalence of coinfections and common pathogens, as well as to compare clinical manifestations in children with and without coinfections. Methods: This retrospective observational study was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, with data from January 2018 to January 2023. Data, including demographics, symptoms, lab results, and complications, were collected from the hospital’s electronic database and analyzed. The statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, independent samples t-tests and Mann-Whitney tests to compare the means of continuous variables. Statistical significance was determined by p-values less than 0.05. Results: The study involved 216 participants diagnosed with IM, predominantly males (61.6%) aged 0 - 4 years (50.9%). Coinfection was detected in 39.8% of children, with multiple pathogens present in 33.72% of these cases. Among coinfection cases, 40% occurred in children under 5 years old, and females made up 54.2% of these cases. Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) was the most prevalent pathogen, accounting for 18.1% of cases. Influenza B (IFB) and Influenza A (IFA) viruses were found in 16.7% and 13.9% of participants, respectively, indicating a notable occurrence of respiratory pathogen coinfections. Male gender, fever, tonsillopharyngitis, lower HGB levels, higher ESR, CRP, and AST levels were correlated with coinfections. Conclusion: In summary, the study revealed a high prevalence of coinfections among children diagnosed with IM, particularly involving Mycoplasma pneumoniae and influenza viruses. These coinfections were notably common in children under 5 years old and were mo
Abdishakur Abdukadir MuseZakaria Ahmed MohamedPu YangLihong LiaoBibek Dhar ShresthaAgness Nicholaus KanusyaPaul MwaleYouping DengDongchi Zhao
Individual virome analysis reveals the general co-infection of mammal-associated viruses with SARS-related coronaviruses in bats
Bats are the natural reservoir hosts for SARS-related coronavirus(SARSr-CoV)and other highly pathogenic microorganisms.Therefore,it is conceivable that an individual bat may harbor multiple microbes.However,there is limited knowledge on the overall co-circulation of microorganisms in bats.Here,we conducted a 16-year monitoring of bat viruses in south and central China and identified 238 SARSr-CoV positive samples across nine bat species from ten provinces or administrative districts.Among these,76 individual samples were selected for further metagenomics analysis.We found a complex microenvironment characterized by the general cocirculation of microbes from two different sources:mammal-associated viruses or environment-associated microbes.The later includes commensal bacteria,enterobacteria-related phages,and insect or fungal viruses of food origin.Results showed that 25%(19/76)of the samples contained at least one another mammal-associated virus,notably alphacoronaviruses(13/76)such as AlphaCoV/YN2012,HKU2-related CoV and AlphaCoV/Rf-HuB2013,along with viruses from other families.Notably,we observed three viruses co-circulating within a single bat,comprising two coronavirus species and one picornavirus.Our analysis also revealed the potential presence of pathogenic bacteria or fungi in bats.Furthermore,we obtained 25 viral genomes from the 76 bat SARSr-CoV positive samples,some of which formed new evolutionary lineages.Collectively,our study reveals the complex microenvironment of bat microbiome,facilitating deeper investigations into their pathogenic potential and the likelihood of cross-species transmission.
Hao-Rui SiKe WuJia SuTian-Yi DongYan ZhuBei LiYing ChenYang LiZheng-Li ShiPeng Zhou
COVID-19/Tuberculosis Co-Infection at the Epidemic Treatment Center (ETC) of Saint-Louis (Senegal): About 9 Cases
Introduction: COVID-19 is a global public health emergency that can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome. In countries where tuberculosis (TB) is endemic, coinfection of COVID-19 and TB is often encountered, which increases the risk of developing severe forms of COVID-19. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of COVID-19/TB coinfection at the Epidemic treatment center (ETC) in Saint-Louis (Senegal) and to describe the epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical, and outcome profile of co-infected patients. Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive cohort study based on the records of COVID-19/ TB co-infected patients who were hospitalized at the ETC in Saint-Louis (Senegal) over an 18-month period from March 2020 to September 2021. Results: Out of a total of 454 hospitalizations, we collected records of 9 patients co-infected with COVID-19/TB, resulting in a prevalence of 2%. The study included patients with a median age of 34 years (range: 10-86 years), with a male predominance (7 cases) and a sex ratio of 3.5. The majority of patients (88.9%) had severe forms of COVID-19. Dyspnea and cough were reported in all patients (100%). Pulmonary TB was the most frequent localization, with 9 cases. The diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed by nasopharyngeal PCR in all patients (100%). Bacilloscopy was positive in 3 out of 5 cases. One patient tested positive for GeneXpert? MTB/RIF without rifampicin resistance. All patients were prescribed the hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin combination and anti-tuberculosis treatment. Out of the nine patients, four recovered (44.4%) and five died (55.5%). Conclusion: COVID-19/TB coinfection had a low prevalence in our cohort, but was associated with a high mortality due to the frequent occurrence of severe forms of the disease.
Alassane DièyeMoustapha DiedhiouPapa Latyr Junior DioufMba Bambo DiakhabyDemba MakalouSamba NiangDiatou Dia-GueyeAmadou Diop DiaIbrahima Louis Martin DiengSeynabou LôNdéye Méry Dia-Badiane
【目的】2023年4月,河南新乡某地鹅场雏鹅群急性发病,死亡率高达25%,为确定引起该鹅场雏鹅发病的病因,本研究对送检的病死雏鹅进行剖检和实验室诊断。【方法】无菌采集病死雏鹅肝脏、脾脏、肾脏和小肠等组织样品及心血和肝脏外层纤维素性渗出物,通过对心血及肝脏外层纤维素性渗出物样品进行细菌分离培养、革兰染色镜检观察、16S rRNA基因及药物敏感性试验鉴定病鹅感染细菌及感染菌株的药物敏感性情况;通过PCR/RT-PCR方法对其常见雏鹅病毒性传染病病原核酸进行检验,并对阳性病原的主要结构蛋白基因进行测序分析,确定病鹅感染的病毒性病原及其分子流行病学情况。【结果】细菌学试验结果显示,分离菌株在血平板上呈半透明圆形突起、边缘整齐、表面光滑菌落,形态学观察显示,该菌为单个和成对的革兰阴性短杆菌,符合鸭疫里默氏杆菌(Riemerella anatipestifer,RA)的特性。16S rRNA基因扩增测序与BLAST分析进一步证实该菌为RA。药敏试验结果显示,该菌株对头孢曲松和头孢噻肟敏感,对阿莫西林、四环素和多黏菌素B耐药。常见雏鹅病毒性传染病病原核酸PCR/RT-PCR检测发现,该鹅场样品小鹅瘟病毒(Goose parvovirus,GPV)和鹅星状病毒Ⅰ型(genotypeⅠGoose astrovirus,GAstV-1)核酸呈阳性,GAstV-2、禽流感病毒(Avian influenza virus,AIV)和鹅呼肠孤病毒(Goose reovirus,GRV)核酸阴性,将致病毒株分别命名为GPV/HN-2023和GAstV-1/HN-2023。进一步对GPV/HN-2023和GAstV-1/HN-2023的主要结构蛋白基因分析发现,GPV/HN-2023与DY-16株的亲缘关系较近,属于DY-16-like毒株,且VP3蛋白存在2个特有的氨基酸位点突变D248E和V314L;GAstV-1/HN-2023与GAstV-1毒株亲缘关系较近,属于GAstV-1分支,ORF2蛋白存在3个特有的氨基酸位点突变G47R、S207G和A628T。【结论】本研究通过综合诊断方法明确了GPV、GAstV-1与RA混合感染是引起该鹅场雏鹅�
在抗逆转录病毒治疗时代,人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者(people livingwithHIV,PLWH)的主要发病及死亡原因是机会性感染。全球现存活的PLWH中,约6.2%的病例合并感染了丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV),而几乎所有病例至少合并感染了1种人类疱疹病毒(human herpesvirus,HHV)。因全球检测和治疗覆盖率不足,且受社会经济不平等、医疗资源分配不均和政策限制等的严重影响,HIV的机会性感染已成为全球艾滋病领域最关注的公共卫生问题之一。本文综述了HIV/HCV及HIV/HHVs合并感染的流行现状,并总结了相应的防控策略,以期为防控HIV的机会性感染提供参考。
目的分析格卡瑞韦/哌仑他韦治疗丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)/人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)合并感染患者的临床效果和安全性,以期为临床治疗提供科学依据。方法选择2021年1月—2022年1月凉山州布拖县某医院收治的89例HCV/HIV合并感染无肝硬化的初治患者,均予以8周的格卡瑞韦/哌仑他韦治疗,随访12周。观察并记录治疗结束时的病毒学应答率、治疗结束12周后的持续病毒性应答率(SVR12)及不良反应发生情况。结果89例HCV/HIV合并感染无肝硬化的初治患者多为中青年已婚男性(79例,88.8%),HIV感染主要经性接触传播(62例,69.7%)和静脉注射毒品传播(27例,30.3%)。HCV基因型最常见的是基因1b型(33例,37.1%)和基因3b型(25例,28.1%)。全部患者均顺利完成8周治疗,且治疗结束时HCV RNA载量均低于检测值下限(<25 IU/mL)。其中,8例患者未能完成随访,余81例(100%)患者均获得持续病毒学应答。患者观察期间均未出现严重不良反应,但有11例患者发生轻度不良反应。结论格卡瑞韦/哌仑他韦8周方案治疗基因1、3、6型HCV/HIV合并感染无肝硬化的初治患者SVR12达100%,且安全性和耐受性均较好,可以作为此类患者临床治疗的优先选择。


研究主题:结核 HIV/AIDS感染 结核病 人中 HIV/AIDS
研究主题:试剂盒 口蹄疫病毒 猪瘟病毒 布鲁氏菌 羊口疮
研究主题:口蹄疫病毒 口蹄疫 非洲猪瘟病毒 猪瘟病毒 多肽
研究主题:非洲猪瘟病毒 试剂盒 口蹄疫病毒 疫苗 猪瘟
研究主题:试剂盒 猪瘟病毒 羊口疮 免疫磁珠 羊口疮病毒