有机电致发光器件的法布里-珀罗(Fabry-Perot)谐振腔的光学微腔效应,导致在一定波长处的发射峰强度增强、宽度压窄、发光性能得到改善,因而在有机彩色显示中受到人们的重视。设计了具有不同反射率的两种分布布拉格反射镜(DBR:D istributed B ragg Reflectors),用8羟-基喹啉铝(A lq3)作为电子传输/发光层,N,N′-双(1-萘基)-N,N′-二苯基-1,1′-二苯基-4,4′-二胺(NPB)作为空穴传输层,通过DBR与金属电极反射镜构成法布里-珀罗谐振腔制成了微腔有机发光二极管(MOLED:M icrocavity O rgan ic L ight-Em ittingD iode),详细研究了介质镜(DBR)的反射率、金属镜和有机层的厚度对电致发光效率、发光波长以及光谱半高宽的影响。研究发现,高反射率的DBR虽然可以实现窄的光谱发射,但器件的电致发光效率大大降低,而低反射率的DBR有利于实现单模发射,并且具有较高的电致发光效率,经金属镜和有机层厚度优化后的最大电致发光效率达到了8.3 cd/A,是高反射率DBR微腔器件的6.4倍。
Suzuki coupling reaction is widely used in the construction of conjugated polymers; however, there is still no report describing the mechanism and coupling of 9,10-phenanthrenequinone(PQ) building blocks via Suzuki reaction because PQ is sensitive to bases and light. Herein is reported the efficient Suzuki coupling of PQ with 9,10-dialkylfluorene with Na2CO3 as basic species and high molecular weight PQ-Alt-Dialkyl-Fluorene conjugated copolymer obtained in an yield of 42%. Based on the characterization data and well-accepted literature, we proposed a step-by-step mechanistic explanation for the formation of the PQ containing alternating conjugated copolymer.
Muddasir HanifLU PingZHENG YanLI MaoXIE Zeng-qiMA Yu-guangLI DiLI Jing-hong