This paper attempts to present an interactive color natural images segmentation method. This method extracts the feature of images by using the nonlinear compact structure tensor (NCST) and then uses GrabCut method to obtain the segmentation. This method not only realizes the non-parametric fusion of texture information and color information, but also improves the efficiency of the calculation. Then, the improved GrabCut algorithm is used to evaluate the foreground target segmentation. In order to calculate the simplicity and efficiency, this paper also extends the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) constructed base on the GrabCut to the tensor space, and uses the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence instead of the usual Riemannian geometry. Lastly, an iteration convergence criterion is proposed to reduce the time of the iteration of GrabCut algorithm dramatically with satisfied segmentation accuracy. After conducting a large number of experiments on synthetic texture images and natural images, the results demonstrate that this method has a more accurate segmentation effect.
A graph theory model of the human nature structure( GMH) for machine vision and image/graphics processing is described in this paper. Independent from the motion and deformation of contours,the human nature structure( HNS) embodies the most basic movement characteristics of the body. The human body can be divided into basic units like head,torso,and limbs. Using these basic units,a graph theory model for the HNS can be constructed. GMH provides a basic model for human posture processing,and the outline in the perspective projection plane is the body contour of an image. In addition,the GMH can be applied to articulated motion and deformable objects,e. g.,in the design and analysis of body posture,by modifying mapping parameters of the GMH.