The vacuum ultraviolet photoionization spectrum of Si(CH3)2Cl2 has been obtained with synchrotron radiation source. The adiabatic iomzation potential of Si(CHa)2Cl2 is 10.62±0.03eV (0.37eV lower than reported by PES), and the appearance potentials for Si(CH3)Cl2, Si(CH3)2Cl+, SiCH3+ and SiCl+ are 11.25±0.03eV,12.69±0.04eV, 15. 1±0.1eV and 21.16eV±0.1eV respectively. From these results, we estimate D(Si(CH3)Cl2+-CH3)=0.631±0.03eV and D(Si(CH3)2Cl+-Cl))=2.07±0.04eV.
The ultrafast processes of tetra-phenyl-porphyrin(TPP), tetra-t-butyl-phthalocyanine(BuPc) and nitro-tri-t-butyl-phthalocyanine (NtBuPc) have been inves-tigated using the femtosecond time-resolved fluorescence depletion method. A sharp peakof the fluorescence depletion with delay time has been observed both for TPP and BuPc.An ultrafast two-photon absorption process has been proposed to explain the sharp peakobserved. A long-lived fluorescence depletion has also been observed. It is causing by thestimulated-emission-pumping process produced by the intense probe laser pulses.